Ground Up Downswing Drill
Practice / DrillsHere is a simple drill to help anybody who is struggling with their down swing or their transition.
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Here is a simple drill to help anybody who is struggling with their down swing or their transition.
The method covered in this article is generally easier for most golfers. It doesn’t offer as much control or workability but it’s a good way to understand how your set up and alignment can significantly affect the flight of the ball.
Hitting greens in regulation is one of the biggest correlates to handicap – and with 94% of amateur golfers being short of their target, this means that a lot of shots can be gained by improving our distance control. Swing Caddie is an app that....
Dvacetimetrové a delší rány v okolí greenů patří k náročným, když se k tomu přidá písek, rázem jde o jeden z nejobtížnějších úderů. Abyste z takových ran zahnali obavy, zkuste se soustředit na níže uvedené čtyři body.
A very common swing fault is when players struggle to keep their posture in the back swing. Or they lose their posture in the back swing. Often you’ll see the left hip working forward, the left shoulder getting high...
Rotátorová manžeta, tedy společný plochý úpon rotačních svalů ramene, a předloktí patří v golfu k částem těla, která jsou nejnáchylnější k poranění. Podléhají totiž velké zátěži a proto je třeba do tréninku zapojit preventivní cvičení.
You’ll find that most golf courses feature at least a few holes that require you to fade or draw the golf ball… The tips and lessons below will help you hit the ball right to left or vice versa. I’ve covered two different methods for hitting a draw.
A very common fault with players of all levels is that they tilt during their swing rather than rotate. Tilting will have an effect on swing plane, the correct transition (downswing start), striking the ball solid, as well as a possible cause for ...
This article explains how I can make you better as a player via 4 distinct routes. If you are a golfer reading this, start to think about how you can develop your own game using this information.
V minulém článku jsem popsal, jak se nejlépe postavit ke golfovému odpalu. Ale i tohle zvládáte, tak nejprve chcete chytnout golfovou hůl do ruky ..počkat.. do jaké? A která má být nahoře? Je to jako hokejka nebo basebolka? O tom bude tento článek.