Shot Shaping: Draw for Beginners
You’ll find that most golf courses feature at least a few holes that require you to fade or draw the golf ball… The tips and lessons below will help you hit the ball right to left or vice versa. I’ve covered two different methods for hitting a draw.
How To Hit a Fade, a Draw or Keep It Low
And how many times have you found yourself in a bit of trouble off the tee and the only path to the green is a fade or a draw around some middle-distance obstacle?
Shot-shaping is not just reserved for single-figure handicappers and professionals. Higher handicappers can hit consistent. controllable draw and fade shots by making some simple adjustments to their set up and swing thoughts.
I’ve covered two different methods for hitting a draw. The method below is generally easier for most golfers. In my opinion, it doesn’t offer as much control or workability as the better player version but it’s a good way to understand how your set up and alignment can significantly affect the flight of the ball.
Playing A Draw With The “New” Ball Flight Laws
The draw method that I’ve outlined below is based on the “new” ball flight laws in golf…
Recent data from launch monitors and high speed cameras proves that a golfer’s swing path and club face angle at impact, has a different affect on the golf ball than was traditionally taught by most teaching professionals.
Without going into detail here, rest assured that the instructions below are based on this improved understanding of ball flights in golf. I think you’ll find this method easier to work with and more consistent compared to older shot-shaping methods.
If you would like more details on this topic please see this explanation of the new vs old ball flight laws.
Golf Draw Method (Easier Version)
Set up so that the club face is aiming slightly to the right of your target.
- Aim your feet, hips and shoulders further to the right than the club face (this will, in effect, give the club face a closed position in relation to the swing path, imparting draw spin on the golf ball).
- Swing along the line of your feet, hips and shoulders, starting the ball out right and allowing the closed club face to curve it back left.
- watch a video HERE.