Víte, jaký je rozdíl mezi hook, pull-hook a draw?
Golf tips
Mnoho amatérských golfistů věří, že hook je jakákoliv rána, která ostře zatáčí doleva (pro golfisty praváky), ale to není tak.
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Mnoho amatérských golfistů věří, že hook je jakákoliv rána, která ostře zatáčí doleva (pro golfisty praváky), ale to není tak.
Many amateur golfers believe that a hook is any shot that curves sharply to the left (for the right-handed golfer), but that is not really the case.
The World gasped in awe as Tiger Woods pulled off “that shot” at the WGC Mexico Champ. Tiger Woods is known, not so much for hitting fairways – but for his amazing ability to get himself out of trouble – something amateurs can learn from...
Here’s a simple key for anybody who’s trying to hit some different shapes of shots, maybe a draw, fade, lower shot, higher shot. Many great players first visualize the shape of shot they want to hit instead of thinking too much about the mechanics.
In this article we’ll look at how to fade the golf ball in a way that offers more control and more workability…
The method covered in this article is generally easier for most golfers. It doesn’t offer as much control or workability but it’s a good way to understand how your set up and alignment can significantly affect the flight of the ball.
Take a look down a regular driving range, what is very normal to see, is players of all levels hitting balls with one club, making one type of swing, hitting one type of shot to a sole target. This one repetitive movement would be fine if golf was...