Ověřené tipy na hru v okolí greenu i na něm
Významnou roli u nízkého skóre hraje úspěšnost na greenech a v jejich okolí. Máme pro vás několik cenných rad, které vám pomou připravit se na každou situaci v okolí greenu.
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Významnou roli u nízkého skóre hraje úspěšnost na greenech a v jejich okolí. Máme pro vás několik cenných rad, které vám pomou připravit se na každou situaci v okolí greenu.
This pitching drill and quick tip will help prevent fluffed pitch shots. It stops you from decelerating through the ball and promotes a solid, crisp strike.
If you want to improve the quality and consistency of your pitch shots on the golf course, focus on hitting the ball down into the ground. One of the most common short game fault is trying to ‘help’ pitch and chip shots ...
Pitching and chipping, especially when it comes to distance control, is said to be very much down to feel and finesse. Unfortunately, developing a high degree of feel can take years of practice. But I’d like to show you how to shortcut.
Learn the proper set up to help you make solid and consistent contact with ball – and maybe even impress your playing partners by making the ball check and spin.