Golf Bunker Shots 5: Compact & Wet Sand
InstructionI think it’s fair to say that if most golfers don’t like playing from the sand, they dread playing bunker shots from compacted, wet sand!
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I think it’s fair to say that if most golfers don’t like playing from the sand, they dread playing bunker shots from compacted, wet sand!
Welcome the first part of the 4-part golf bunker shot series. In part 1 we’ll look at the bunker shot set up. We’ll then move on to basic bunker technique, distance control, some bunker drills and tips for more advanced bunker shots.
Ever wonder how the pros can hit the ball so far with seemingly little effort? Ever wonder why it feels like you are swinging the club as quick as your playing partners, but your ball doesn’t have the same ‘pop’ to it? It could be your smash factor.
Když vám míček zapadne do písku, většinou to vypadá na pořádný průšvih. Ale tak to být nemusí. V tomto článku vám představíme 2 tipy, jak bezpečně vyváznout z písku.
Still, to this day, even with all the information out there, golfers don’t understand the basics of why their ball slices or hooks. I can’t have that – not for my followers. So, this article will explore this very topic.
Strike quality is one of the leading correlators with how good you are at the game of golf. Take this test to discover where you fall in the strike levels.
Sergio Garcia hit a driver off the deck at WGC-Dell Match Play, and the internet went wild. While the ball ended up in an ok position, he mis-hit the shot. The slow motion replay revealed something which almost every golf teacher knows....
Who would not like to finish with a single putt. Increase accuracy of your putts by learning how to hit the sweet spot - the center of the club face.