How to Fix Hook 4: Rotate Your Hands
Practice / DrillsThis article contains two anti hook golf drills that will help you control the rotation of your hands through the ball.
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This article contains two anti hook golf drills that will help you control the rotation of your hands through the ball.
Ušetřené rány jsou věcí dobrého tréninku, ale kterou část hry byste měli trénovat nejvíce? Které hraje největší roli? O tajné ingredienci na nízké skóre se dozvíte v tomto článku.
Jedna z nejhezčích ran, kterou uvidíte u profesionálů, je přihrávka wedží na 40 až 70 metrů. Míček sice neletí vysoko, ale trefí green, jednou nebo dvakrát se odrazí a pak se hned zastaví. Jak to jen profesionální hráči dělají?
This pitching drill and quick tip will help prevent fluffed pitch shots. It stops you from decelerating through the ball and promotes a solid, crisp strike.
Who would not like to finish with a single putt. Increase accuracy of your putts by learning how to hit the sweet spot - the center of the club face.
Do you sometimes struggle doing your swing? Problems with consistency? It might be caused by imperfections in your swing movement and posture. These 3 simple drills will help you make efforstless consistent swings and increase your flexibility.
Your destination is an impact position that creates an accurate shot. Most players work on their swing and routine without knowing their destination, which makes their routine contraproductive.