Weight And Pressure Transfer, What Is The Difference?
Golf tips
How do you transfer your weight correctly? First of all, the term weight transfer is not really correct. Pressure transfer is more correct. The reason will hopefully become clear to you in this article.
So how do you transfer your weight correctly? First of all, the term weight transfer is not really correct. Pressure transfer is more correct. The reason will hopefully become clear to you in this article. In saying that, I still say “weight transfer” to many of my students, as it is a term most players understand and can relate to.
Before I start, I need you to understand 2 terms:
Centre of Pressure (COP): COP is the term given to the point where all the force is acting between a physical object and the ground
- Centre of Mass (COM): In every object, there is a unique point called ‘center of mass (COM)’ around which the object’s mass is equally distributed in all directions. The COM of a human body is normally just above the pelvis, in the he middle of the body.
Adress position
When you are in your address position your centre of pressure (COP) should almost be directly underneath your centre of mass (COM) as you can see on the picture.
The key to a good pressure transfer in the backswing, is that the COP moves towards the right foot, but the COM only moves a little to the right, so at the top of the backswing, COP is about 80% on your right foot, but your COM is almost in the center, where you were at address. This is the optimum position to start the downswing from. Perhaps now you can see why “weight transfer” is not such a good term. Your body weight, COM has not transfer to your right foot. It has remained almost central. It is only the pressure which has transferred.
What you do not want in the backswing is a situation where your COM moves together with the COP so they are on top of each other at the top of the backswing. Perhaps, as you can see, from this position, it is very difficult to start your downswing with your lower body, and transfer the pressure to your left foot. This type of backswing is where you have transferred your weight incorrectly.
Think about a runner starting a race. They would never put their COM over their back foot. They have their COM well in front of their back foot, as it is a much better position to push off their back foot with maximum force.
One thing to note is that if you have transferred your pressure correctly in the backswing, you should not be able to stop and hold this position. You should only be able to have the pressure on your right foot, and your COM in the center for a split second. And this is why the golf swing must be one continuous movement. When you do it correctly, you should feel it is very easy to push from your right foot towards the target, transferring your pressure to your left foot.
Drill To Feel The Pressure Transfer
When players are struggling to feel how to transfer pressure, this is the drill I would give them.
- Take your posture and cross your arms around your chest.
- Now make your body turn, keeping your upper body centered over the ball.
- As you finish the backswing turn, lift your left foot off the ground so you feel all the pressure on your right foot. Remember you must keep your COM over the golf ball, and when you do it correctly, you should not be able to stop or hold this position.
- You will now feel it very easy to slightly push off your right foot, and transfer the COP to your left foot in the transition (Change of direction, backswing to downswing)
- After the transition, you simply rotate your body into the finish position, with the COP, and COM over your left foot so you can maintain your balance in your follow through.