5 Best Blogs To Quickly Improve Your Golf Game
Golf tips
If you love golf and you are looking for an inspiration, this article is what you need! We selected 5 blogs filled with tips and tricks that will make your handicap plummet!
As a golf lover it is sometimes difficult to find good quality blogs with tips that actually work! Next time you will be enhancing your golf routine, you might want to browse these. We selected 5 best golf-tips blogs, excluding our excellent authors at Gryyny, such as Robin Symes or Adam Young and professional magazines. You can look foward to the internet golf underground with the best tips that instantly improve your golf game!
John Sherman, author of best-selling book 101 Mistakes All Golfers Make (and how to fix them), started his own golf-mistakes-fixing blog with a lot to offer! Practical Golf presents tips and tricks, reviews on newest golf clubs and even an opinion section discussing latest golf news. The blog makes tips simple to learn. Take a look.
Golf blog, podcasts and even free e-book to produce powerful, effortless golf swing. This site has everything! It was founded in 2006 by two passionate golf players and writers - John Diekmann and Doug Farrick. Apart from classical tips and tricks you can find podcasts with experts from various golf-related fields, such as optics, fitness, history and even social media. Golf Dash incorporates everything you need to know to enjoy your golf or run a golf business!
The site has long tradition that dates back to 2004. It covers all areas every golf lover needs - news, rumors from the golf world or club reviews for the pre-buy equipment investigation. On top of that, Sir Shanks Alot offers well sorted, good quality tips for your golf swing and even drills to improve your game. Altough you might be put off by their inactivity on social media, their site brings an insights and interesting up-to-date comments on current golf world. Worth trying!
Golf Tips Reviews is a different kind of site - it is not run by a PGA professional and it is not clean or fancy looking. However, it balances its cons with excellent content. Golf Tips Reviews does not try to sell the ultimate one tip/drill solution, but it provides you with reviews on existing golf tips and tricks. It breaks down every tip to its elements: Symptoms (what problem tip solves), Description (how to perform the tip) and Why it works (explanation). Golf Tip Reviews has a solid fan base and it is the site you need before changing your routine! Oh, and it also runs two special blogs on putting and golf poetry.
How to break 80 wants you to become one of the 5 percent of golfers who break their 80 handicap. The site is run by a passionate golfer Jack Moorehous, author of How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros!. Jack Moorehous is a professional writer of no-nonsense, results-oriented golf tips and instruction. The articles are well-written, clean and tips are structured in bullet list to guide you through each problem. How to break 80 has a wide fan base and it is specifically designed to lower handicap. Go and check it out.