Calm and Focused: 2 Tips For Your Mental Game
Mental Game
Mental game plan should be simple enough to fit the back of a business card. But how to find an advices you specifically need to improve? We selected two simple reminders of the the most important aspects of your mental setting.
I believe you should be able to make your “Mental Game Plan” simple enough that you could write it on the back of a business card. Actually, this is what I suggest you do. Create your own business card and keep it in your golf bag or back pocket when playing.
When you have a bit of bad luck, hit a bad shot or cannot seem to get off the bogey train, it is sometimes difficult to think with logic in that pressure situation. We all start thinking or trying things we do not need to think about.
Having the business card and spending 30 seconds reading over your key mental thoughts can bring you back to the present again, regaining your playing focus.
Here are two tips to help you with your mental golf game:
Tip no. 1: Focus on what you can control
One of the best books I have read is “Every Shot Must Have A Purpose” by Vision 54. Vision 54 are great at helping players organize their thoughts. A key aspect is understanding what you can control and what you cannot.
A key to achieving your dreams is to focus your mind to concentrate on what is achievable. Concentration is energy, and energy should only be used on controllable goals. You cannot fight the president but you can have a say on who becomes president. In both practice and play, focus should only be on what you can control, basically focusing on the process not the result.
The ability to focus on what you can control is very important in tournament golf. For example, you hit a great putt on the first hole. It hits a spike mark and u turns in the hole. Does this effect you for the next hole or not?? At tournaments I hear some players complaining about the condition of the course and getting upset before they play. Is this focusing on what you can control??
Start thinking about what you can control and what you cannot. I have given you suggestions below but add some of your own.
What you CANNOT control

What you CAN control
Tip no. 2: Keeping your mind in the present
Playing focus is being able to keep your mind in the present, focusing only on your current shot or situation and what you can control “right now”. Winning a tournament or making a cut is a great goal but one that lies in the future and is actually not under your control.
To be able to hit your best shot “now”, your mind must be in the present so you can use your abilities. I spend a lot of time trying to help players stay in the present, and it is a skill every great player has, and what we describe as “Playing Focus”.
The main method of being able to stay in playing focus, or return to if your find you have lost it during a round, is to set process goals and focus on these goals during the round rather than results.
Examples of playing focus goals:
The only criteria in setting these goals is they must be positive goals. A bad example would be – “I will not leave any putt short today”