On Delayed Gratification and Long Term Improvement in Golf
Mental Game
This will be one of the most important articles you will read in your entire life. Give it your full, undivided attention, as failure to do so will render you stuck in an eternal groundhog day of never getting better.
If you are interested in becoming a better golfer, this will be one of the most important articles you will read in your entire life. Give it your full, undivided attention, as failure to do so will render you like the rest of the golfing population – stuck in an eternal groundhog day of never getting better. Stand out from the other lemmings of the golfing crowd, become one of the small percentage of people who can actually continually progress at this insanely difficult sport. If this introduction seems abrasive, good! It is designed to create a radical shift in your way of thinking, and a ‘nicely nicely’ approach does not fit well. If you get bored midway through reading this article, just close the page and go and eat a marshmallow. Let’s go…
Marshmallow Test
If you got to the end of this long article, congratulations – here are chocolate coated TWO marshmallows. The information you just read will help you immensely, especially through the troughs in form that are predestined. Keep working on the right things and you will get there – avoid simply chasing a quick fix that makes you hit it better now. One of my favourite coaches has the philosophy of ‘better every day’. I prefer to think of it in terms of ‘better every year’ in golf. Too much focus on the day to day play can be distracting when it comes to long term improvement.