Out of 'Trouble', Tip for the week
Here are sometimes occasions when you need that 'unconventional' golf shot. Make sure you are focused on what it is you are really trying to achieve and not what you are hoping to achieve.
Here are sometimes occasions when you need that 'unconventional' golf shot, such as playing from the base of a tree or when, up against an out of bounds fence. When in these situations try to be realistic and when assessing the shot. Make sure you are focused on what it is you are really trying to achieve and not what you are hoping to achieve.
Opposite-handed Shot. Playing the 'wrong' way than normal means using the back of the club which is only permissible with a putter.
The Backwards Shot played one-handed, as shown, often with a putter or short iron, this is a short distance shot only and the ideal technique is to hold down on the club more than normal.
The Reverse Shot. You can get good direction and distance with this shot if you practice effectively. It is a useful tool to have at your disposal.
In all three cases there is a great tendency to look up too quickly to see if you have been successful. Focus purely on making the best contact possible.
For more confidence, book now for that lesson which always gets you out of trouble!
Enjoy the game!